According to World Bank, 2015, Uganda (343) had one of the highest maternal mortality rate in the world and stunted growth stood at 34.2% according to European Commission). Nearly 5.9 million children under the age of five and 303,000 women are dying from preventable causes each year. Every child deserves the chance to live a healthy and secure life. However, 19,000 children younger than 5 years old die every day and more than 7 million children will die before their 5th birthday. Nearly all of these deaths occur in poor countries and almost every one of them can be prevented.
Empower World Wide focuses on improving health and physical wellbeing for children and women. Our work contributes to reduction of maternal and child mortality.
Our health modal focuses on four outcomes namely,
1. Mothers and children know their bodies.
2. Mothers and children know about poverty related diseases and can prevent them.
3. Mothers and children are able to access quality health services.
4. Adolescents know their sexual reproductive health and their bodies.
Empower World Wide works with a commitment to sustainable health by involving household, community and national level. Our healthy intervention modal enables us to extend health services to household level but also improve the wellbeing of the community at large.